XBox Suff3r

Note: This is a parody of the “Creepypasta” Playstation Suffer. Here is the original: [] I don’t know which is worse.

XBox Suff3r

Gaming is my favorite hobby, and nothing can beat it. I have played games for my entire life, as I have no life. The only problem is I never owned a gaming console in my life…until NOW.

Well, I got a job at Microsoft a couple of minutes ago as a game creator. For job reaso

ns, I was given an XBone for game testing. I had ideas about creating the games which I was RELIEVED about. I couldn’t explain how happy I was. I rushed home to set it up. As I set it up, there was something weird going on. Every single word in the instruction booklet was scribbled out only left with the pictures which thought was suspicious, but I just left it because it was getting late. I went to bed.

The next morning, I went out to get some games since I didn’t have any yet, so I went to a dodgy looking second hand store with a sign saying ‘Cheap high quality second hand games!’ The store was basically an evil castle with blood and guts all over it. There were also turrets everywhere, and they were aiming straight at me. Winged demons were flying around it, too. I couldn’t resist (because I’m a gullible dumbass), so I strolled inside to see what there was. Believe it or not, the games looked SUPER BRAND NEW with absolutely nothing wrong with them. They were second hand because they said that on the label (which I didn’t understand, because I’m an idiot). So I went and picked out 2 games and purchased them. When I left, the evil knight at the cash register said to me in a sinister (and by “sinister” I mean “deep, demonic”) voice saying ’’Have fun! Don’t die playing those games! MwaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!’’ Lightning flashed behind him, and the whole ENTIRE place caught fire for a few seconds. I thought nothing of it (again, because my brains are made of jelly) so I just left the store and headed home. The 2 games I bought were Battlefield 4 and Halo 5. Since it was my day off, I tried out the games I bought.

I placed Battlefield 4 in to the console and started multiplayer. However, something wasn’t right here; EVERY single battlepack I got from leveling up was a gold battlepack, which you hardly get, and there wasn’t any enemies in the game either. That was quite strange. (Are you scared yet?) I thought

I would swap discs over because I thought it was just a minor bug that needed resting as well as some medication. I put Halo 5 in to the console, but that was worse…The home menu was bloody and red, human organs were hanging everywhere, and "Halo 5" was replaced with "Halo 666." Then out of nowhere a creepy picture came up in the background, and it was the scariest thing I had ever heard (I don't know how you can hear a picture, but whatever) so I switched the disc over again to Battlefield 4, but it was worse than before. Every word in the game was distorted like the manual, and everything had blood and guts hanging from every place possible. Every enemy was IMMENSELY hard to kill because they were demons made of blood. (Are you scared now?) I had enough of this. I took out the discs, snapped them in to pieces, and burnt them into the ashes.

When I got back, the manual of the XBone was where I left it. I looked inside. The scribbled material was replaced with the statement ‘u will suff3r’. This repeated throughout the whole booklet saying nothing else but that line. Also on the switched off TV was the same sentence ‘u will suff3r’. There was blood splattered all over the TV screen. REAL blood all over the screen, by the way. REAL ACTUAL BLOOD!!! (Are you scared, laughing, or facepalming?) I thought it couldn’t get any worse, but then a sound blasted from the TV speakers. It was the scariest sound I had ever seen (again, don't ask how you can see sounds). I couldn’t take it any longer, so I picked up the XBone and chucked it at the TV. The TV EXPLODED, but still had the message on it (


). I then collected my stuff and left the house. As soon as I opened the door, a turret from the store was sitting there with its cannon to my head. It shot me with a rocket. BOOM! My life was over...

Because that’s totally how I wrote this Par - er, I mean Creepypasta, right?